Four years of English (40 credits) are required to meet graduation requirements; Four years of English with grades of C or better are required to be eligible to apply to a CSU or UC. The prerequisite course listed with each course description is the strongly recommended background necessary for student success at that level. Although the courses do have ability levels, the courses are not ”tracked” as students do move up and down levels during the high school career. We strongly encourage students to maintain a reasonable balance among academic course load, extracurricular activities, and personal time to contribute to their social and emotional well-being. It is extremely important for students and parents to make an informed decision during the registration process regarding which course and level is most appropriate for the student. Due to a variety of factors, the selection of a course and level should be considered a year-long commitment. In order to maintain class sizes that are equitable for all students, it has become difficult to switch levels once the schedule has been completed. As a result there can be no guarantee that a space will be available in another course or level during a preferred period.
English 9 07201
1 year course – 5 English credits per semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: Students develop skills in higher order reading comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and academic research through the study of literature.
English 9 Honors 07202
1 year course – 5 English credits per semester
Open to Grade: 9
Prerequisites: Acceptance into class is based on middle school grades, SRI score of 850 or higher, and/or a teacher recommendation; a writing sample may be requested; summer reading assignment
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: This course covers the same materials as required in English 9 with an emphasis on extended expectations in which students, through the study of literature, develop skills in higher-order reading comprehension, language usage and
writing, literary analysis, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and academic research. In addition, literacy analysis is begun. Writing emphasis is on the format essay.
English 10 07211
1 year course – 5 English credits per semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: At the second level of high school English, students, through the study of literature, develop skills in higher order reading, comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and academic research. The difference between English 10 and subsequent English courses lies in the length, complexity, sophistication and range of source materials.
Open to Grade: 10
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: At the second level of high school English, students, through the study of literature, develop skills in higher order reading comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and
academic research. The difference between English 10 Honors and subsequent English courses lies in the length, complexity, sophistication and range of course materials.
English 11 07231
1 year course – 5 English credits per semester
Open to Grade: 11
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: At the third level of high school English, students, through the study of literature, develop skills in higher order reading comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and academic
research. The difference between English 11 and subsequent English courses lies in the length, complexity, sophistication and range of source materials.
English Language and Composition AP 07264
1 year course – 5 English credits per semester
Open to Grade: 11
Prerequisites: Grade of B or better in English 10 or C or better in English 10 Honors highly recommended; summer reading assignment required
UC A-G Certification: Meets the a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: At the third level of high school English, students, through the study of literature, develop skills in higher order reading comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and academic
English 12 / Bible as Literature 07238
1 year course – 5 English credits per semester
Open to Grade: 12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: The Bible is presented as a major, classic literary foundation piece of Western Civilization. It is studied as the basis of a shared Judeo-Christian heritage within which many of the laws and mores of Western Civilization find their
origins. It is studied, also, as primary source material for a vast array of literary allusions in classic and modern literature. Students should be prepared to do a great deal of study, writing, and critical thinking. Extended reading lists include college-recommended material containing the allusions and references covered in class. The literature of the Old Testament and its historical surroundings will be presented first semester, while the New Testament will be the focus of the second semester.
English 12 / CSU Expository Reading and Writing 07535
1 year course – 5 English credits per semester
Open to Grade: 12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: The goal of the Expository Reading and Writing course is to prepare college-bound seniors for the literacy demands of higher education. Through a sequence of fourteen rigorous instructional modules, students in this rhetoric-
based course develop advanced proficiencies in expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. The cornerstone of the course, the assignment template, presents a process for helping students read, comprehend, and respond to non-fiction and literary texts.
Open to Grade: 12
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in English Language & Composition; summer reading assignment required
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [b] English requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: English
Description: Students will read extensively from a wide range of literary works, some of which are taught in college-level English courses. This course is also designed to prepare the student to achieve success on the Advanced Placement Examination in English Literature and Composition administered by the College Board.
Literacy Support 1 07532
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to grades: 9
Prerequisite: SRI test scores below 850
Description: Literacy Support 1 uses a district and state approved reading intervention program to support student understanding and mastery of essential phonics, vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing skills necessary
for academic success. This class runs parallel to the ongoing English 9 class, reinforcing and supporting the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills appropriate to these grade levels as outlined by the California Language Arts Standards. In addition, this class provides students with cross curricular strategies in reading and writing to be taken to other content areas.
Literacy Support 2 07533
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to grade: 10
Prerequisite: SRI test score
Description: This course is a continuation of Literacy Support 1; however, students are not required to take Literacy Support 1 if they meet the prerequisite for Literacy Support 2.
Yearbook 07293
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to grade: 9-12
Prerequisites: Completed application and recommendation forms must be submitted and accepted by advisor before enrollment; instructor will keep an approved list
Description: This is a year-long course that is responsible for the production of the school yearbook. Students will learn computerized methods of page layout, design, and graphics (using Adobe InDesign, Illustrator & Photoshop, and Microsoft
Word), photography, and copy, caption, and headline-writing skills. Students will also learn to digitize and retouch graphics and photographs. The students are responsible for meeting the deadlines associated with a professional publication. Sales,
advertising, and marketing skills are taught in conjunction with the promotion of the yearbook and are a percentage of the course grade. This class requires all students to sell advertising.