Antelope Valley School District

Foreign Language

Spanish 1 02313
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 9-11
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [e] Language requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Additional Core Courses
Description: A rigorous college preparatory course that is based on both intentional learning and natural acquisition. Students will be expected to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing both inside and outside of class. Vocabulary, communicative skills and grammar are emphasized.

Spanish 1 Honors 07701
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 9, 10
Prerequisites: Acceptance into class is based on middle school grades, test scores, teacher recommendations, writing sample
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [e] Language requirement with a C or better grade
Description: A rigorous college-prep course whose study is based on a listening-speaking approach. Learning is by imitation of the foreign language patterns that are used as the foundation for listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Customs and culture are presented as well.

Spanish 2 02314
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Spanish 1
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [e] Language requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Additional Core Courses
Description: This course is a continuation of the study of fundamentals of Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. As a University of California College Preparatory approved course, by the end of the year students are expected to be able to engage a sympathetic native speaker in a five minute conversation on general topics.

Spanish 2 Honors 07702
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
Prerequisites: Students must be fluent in Spanish and be able to converse in Spanish
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [e] Language requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Additional Core Courses
Description: This course is designed to expand and build upon existing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. Students will review grammar, read and write extensively, give oral presentations, and participate in debates. This
course is for Spanish speakers based on assessment or teacher recommendation. This course fulfills the second year of the UC or CSU Foreign Language requirement.

Spanish 3 02315
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in Spanish 2
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [e] Language requirement with a C or better grade
Description: A continuation of Spanish 2 with greater emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The remainder of major grammatical structure is studied here. Special emphasis is given to words and expressions needed for practical situations. This course is strongly recommended to college-bound students planning careers in which one deals with the public.

Spanish Language and Composition AP 02318
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Teacher signature, or grade of C or better in Spanish 3, Spanish 2 Honors, or Spanish 2 for Spanish Speakers; must be willing to take the AP exam
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [e] Language requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Additional Core Courses
Description: The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is a rigorous course taught exclusively in Spanish that requires students to improve their proficiency across the three modes of communication in 6 global themes. The course focuses on the integration of authentic resources including online print, audio, and audiovisual resources, as well as traditional print resources that include literature, essays, and magazine and newspaper articles with the goal of providing a rich, diverse learning experience. The themes are Global Challenges, Beauty and Aesthetics, Families and Communities, Personal and Public Identities, Contemporary Life, and Science and Technology. Students communicate using rich, advanced vocabulary and linguistic structures as they build proficiency in all modes of communication toward the pre-advanced level.

Spanish Literature and Composition AP 02345
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Teacher signature, or grade of C or better in Spanish Language AP; must be willing to take the AP exam
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [e] Language requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Additional Core Courses
Description: The AP Spanish Literature course is designed to provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that of a third-year college course in Peninsular and Latin American literature. The course is designed to introduce students to the formal study of a representative body of Peninsular and Latin American texts. Readings are selected from 7 centuries of literature, including the Medieval and Golden Age, Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth Century Literature.