Antelope Valley School District


Two years of Science (20 credits) are required to meet graduation requirements; one year of a Physical Science (10 credits) and one year of a Biological Science (10 credits). CSU admissions eligibility is also two but with C grades or better. UC eligibility is recommended three years.

Anatomy / Physiology 12511
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
Special Note: This course involves extensive dissection of cats and other anatomical parts. Do not take this course if you have animal allergies of any kind.
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in both semester of Biology and Chemistry strongly recommended
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: This course encompasses the study of the structure and functions of the human body. It includes detailed work for students who intend to major in medicine, dentistry, nursing, physiotherapy, veterinary medicine, health, or physical education in college. A lab course.

Biology 12513
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: This course will be a one-year lecture and laboratory courses. The major emphasis of the course will be placed on knowing and understanding Biological Science. Biology will give the student the capability to continue their science training at higher levels. This course may require one hour of homework at night, and a willingness to seek instructor help if needed.

Biology AP 12530
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to Grades: 11-12; not offered every year
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in Biology and Chemistry
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: Biology AP is a first-year college level course intended to prepare students to successfully pass the AP Biology test. Students must be able to design and carry out laboratory experiments and write evaluative laboratory reports. Text reading and problem assignments will be college level.

Chemistry 12515
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Biology; completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 recommended
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: Chemistry is a college preparatory course meeting the requirements of the University of California. Theoretical, quantitative, and laboratory approaches are used so the student may understand the basic concepts of chemistry. Students will need a calculator for homework.

Chemistry AP 12516
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to Grades: 11-12; not offered every year
Prerequisites: Grade of B or better in Chemistry
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: The Advanced Placement Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first college year. Advanced Placement Chemistry is an in depth study of the chemical nature or matter, its composition and its chemical and physical changes. Mathematics are used to gain a better understanding of the chemical concepts studied. Laboratory experimentation is extensive and comprehensive, and involves the application of chemical concepts and qualitative and quantitative laboratory methods at the college level.

Environmental Science AP 12553
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to Grade: 10-12; not offered every year
Prerequisites: Grade of B or better in Biology highly recommended
UC A-G Certification pending: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: The Environmental Science AP course is interdisciplinary and embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study. There are several unifying themes that cut across the many topics included in the study of environmental science. The following themes provide a foundation for the structure of the AP Environmental Science course: (1) Science is a process, (2) Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes, (3) The Earth itself is one interconnected system, (4) humans alter natural systems, (5) Environmental problems have a cultural and social context, and (6) human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. The course includes lectures, demonstrations, discussions, research projects, probes, in-class assignments, homework, hands on labs and fieldwork are all methods of instruction.

Physics 12526
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to grade: 11-12; not offered every year
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in Algebra 2
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: Physics is a lab science course in which students investigate and develop physical models of the world around them. Specifically students will gain a greater understanding energy and it relationship to motion, force, momentum, basic
electrical circuits, and waves. The course is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of individuals regardless of their goals for education and a career after high school.

Physics AP 1 12537
1 year course – 5 science credits per semester
Open to grade: 11-12; not offered every year
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in Algebra 2
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [d] Laboratory Sciences requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Natural/Physical Science
Description: In this challenging and exciting exploration to understand the laws that govern the universe, students act as scientists to develop working models of physical phenomena. Specific topics of study include motion, forces, gravity, energy, momentum, electricity, mechanical waves and sound. It is a rigorous course. This course is the equivalent of the first semester of a typical algebra based college physics course (© College Board 2014).