Social Science
Three years of Social Science (30 credits) are required to meet graduation requirements; One year of World History (10 credits), one year of U.S. History (10 credits), one semester of Civics (5 credits) and one semester of Economics (5 credits). To meet CSU or UC admissions eligibility requirements, a C grade or better must be earned in 10 credits of US History; C grade or better in 10 credits of World History or 5 in World History and 5 in Civics.
Civics 16623
1 semester course – 5 civics credits
Open to Grade: 12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [a] History requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: The basic requirement for a democracy is an informed population. Civics builds upon student’s knowledge of U.S. History to explore the workings of government including the Constitution, the court system, and federal, state and local
Economics 16624
1 semester course – 5 economics credits
Open to Grade: 12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [g] Elective requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: Economics is a course which introduces students to the world of money and finance. Students learn about various aspects of the economy—from balancing a checkbook to balancing the national deficit. This course helps to prepare the student to function in our market economy.
Economics Honors 16629
1 semester course – 5 economics credits
Open to Grade: 12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [g] Elective requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: This course sequencing is the semester after Government Politics US AP with the primary purpose of understanding the world economic system money and finance.
Government and Politics; US AP 16628
1 semester course – 5 civics credits
Open to Grade: 12
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in junior level history class strongly recommended or teacher signature. Signed AP contract required.
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [a] History requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: An effective Advanced Placement course in American Government and Politics is designed to give students a critical perspective on government and politics in the United States. This course involves both the studies of general concepts used to interpret American politics and the analysis of specific case studies. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that make up the American political reality. This course sequencing includes a semester of Economics with the primary purpose of understanding the world economic system money and finance. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for the AP examination.
Human Geography AP 16664
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in AVID 1 and English 9, World History and English 10 highly recommended
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [a] Elective requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: This is a one-year course that will introduce the student to the dynamic patterns of a changing world and examine the impact of globalization on the human race. Within components of culture and geography, students will study the physical environment and the fluid population that modifies it. This course will introduce and examine demographics, land use, migrations, political and linguistic cultures, rural sprawl, and urbanization, as well as global disparities in health and nutrition. Students will use the perspective of scale, location, and resource to investigate issues confronting modern society and develop higher-level problem-solving. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for the AP examination.
Psychology 03087
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to grades: 11-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [g] Elective requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Additional Core Courses
Description: A broad overview of human behavior and relationships. This course will look at how we relate to others; how our behavior influences and is influenced by others in our society. We will investigate the social environment in which we live on an interpersonal, peer group, family, community, national, and global level. Use of group work, outside reading and current event issues will make the course relevant to each student’s life.
Psychology AP 03089
1 year course – 5 elective credits per semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
Prerequisites: Grade of B in previous English class is highly recommended; should be proficient in word processing;
knowledge of statistics and research skills beneficial; signed AP Contract required
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [g] Elective requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Additional Core Courses
Description: The primary objective of this course is to give the students a detailed study of the behavior of organisms, of which man is but one. Students are encouraged to read extensively in one or more areas of interest. Emphasis is on group discussions, panel discussions, in depth research projects, and classroom activities.
Sociology 03090
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [g] Elective requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: Sociology is a college-prep elective class. Students will engage in an exploration of that social science devoted to studying people and their life in groups. In this course students will examine how people behave in groups and how
group interaction shapes both individual and group behaviors. Students will increase their understanding of social organizations, cultural differences and ethnicity, segregation, prejudice, and racism. Students will also learn about collective
behavior, the general functions of education and marriage and the family, the function of law, and the problem of crime and delinquency. Finally, students will analyze the problem of poverty and other various social dilemmas.
United States History 16619
I year course – 5 History credits each semester
Open to Grade: 11
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [a] History requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: A conventional survey of American History studying the important ideas and concepts that have developed in our changing society. This course meets the district’s requirement for graduation. Coursework utilizes textbooks, paperback
books, and supplementary library materials. Emphasis is upon a sound understanding of the principles of the heritage which have made present day American life possible.
United States History AP 16625
1 year course – 5 History credits each semester
Open to Grade: 11
Prerequisites: Grade of C in World History and English 10 or grade of C English 10 Honors strongly recommended; signed AP contract required
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [a] History requirement with a C or better grade
Description: A seminar class based on a conventional survey of American History focusing on studying and analyzing the important ideas and concepts that have developed in our changing society. An emphasis will be placed upon a sound
understanding of the principles of heritage, which have made present day American life possible. This course will utilize textbooks, paperbacks, many supplementary library materials and appropriate audio visual aids for purposes of discussion.
The course meets the district requirements for graduation and the curriculum is designed to prepare students for the AP examination.
World History 16622
1 year course – 5 History credits each semester
Open to Grade: 10
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [a] History requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: In this course, students examine major turning points in the shaping of the modern world from ancient times to the present, with major emphasis on the twentieth century. The course will begin with an examination of current world issues and will proceed to connect with students’ past learning by studying the rise of democratic ideas. Other major topics will include: The Industrial Revolution, the rise of Imperialism and Colonialism, World War I, Totalitarianism in the 20th Century, the Second World War, and Nationalism in the contemporary world.
World History AP 16653
1 year course – 5 History credits each semester
Open to Grade: 10
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [a] History requirement with a C or better grade
NCAA Approved Core Course: Social Science
Description: A seminar class based on a survey of civilization starting with ancient China, India, Greece, and Rome through the end of the 20th century. Other areas of discussion will be the spread of religions throughout the world, the changes in civilization in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Further emphasis is place on the industrialization of society and the major social, political, and economic changes during the 17th through 20th century. This course will utilize textbooks, audio-visual and supplementary materials as primary source documents in helping to aid discussions. The course meets the district requirements for graduation. This course will prepare the student to take the AP examination.