Antelope Valley School District

Visual and Performing Arts

One year of a Foreign Language or a Fine Art (10 credits) is required to meet graduation requirements. To meet CSU and UC admissions eligibility requirements, a C grade or better in a year of an UC approved VAPA is required.

*NOTE: Enrollment in Marching Band also requires concurrent enrollment in Symphonic Band. Marching Band is held daily during zero period which is held from 7:45 a.m. – 8:39 a.m. Students must have their own transportation to school for a
zero period class. (AVUHSD policy)

Art 1 02031
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: An overview of art methods, aesthetics and art history. Students create original and interpretive works in a variety of media.

Art 2 02032
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in Art 1 or Drawing 1
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: An overview of art methods, aesthetics and art history. Students create original and interpretive works in a variety of media.

For students who have a definite interest or growing commitment to art making. Art 2 is both rigorous and demanding with written and artistic interpretation and more complex works that focuses on media, process and refinement.

Art Appreciation 02065
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
Description: Art Appreciation is a survey of the history of Western visual arts, with a primary focus on painting. Students begin with an introduction to the basic principles of painting and learn how to critique and compare works of art. Students
then explore prehistoric and early Greek and Roman art before they move on to the Middle Ages. Emphasis is placed on the Renaissance and the principles and masters that emerged in Italy and northern Europe. Students continue their art tour with the United States during the 20th century, a time of great innovation as abstract art took center stage. While Western art is the course's primary focus, students will finish the course by studying artistic traditions from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. Coverage of each artistic movement highlights historical context and introduces students to key artists that represent a variety of geographic locations. Throughout the course, students apply what they have learned about art critique to analyze and evaluate both individual artists and individual works of art. This course is built to state standards and informed by the Consortium of National Arts Education Associations standards. It encompasses a variety of skills to enable students to critique, compare, and perhaps influence their own works of art.

Ceramics 1 02035
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Completion of Art 1 or Drawing 1 required, with a C grade or better highly recommended
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: This course for beginning art students introduces basic hand building techniques. Concentration is on developing skills, awareness of methods and materials, and the possibilities of working with clay. Students will be introduced to several clay bodies and explore techniques for developing surface treatments.

Ceramics 2 02036
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Ceramics 1
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Students create decorative and functional works to suit individual aesthetic needs. Concentration on the wheel as a primary tool for creating forms. Intermediate level study of clay technology, hand construction and decorative processes. Students learn a body of knowledge specific to ceramics and refine basic skills with concept-driven assignments designed to promote creativity.

Concert Band* 02429
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grade: 9-12
Prerequisites: Basic proficiency on a wind or percussion instrument
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Designed for the preparation and performances of concert and marching music. Public performances (concerts, music festivals, parades, field shows) are required of all members. Concurrent enrollment in Marching Band/P.E.
is required unless approved by director. Remember, all members are required to participate in all performances.

Drama 1 02294
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Drama 1 is an introductory course for acting, technical theater, and performing arts careers. There are opportunities to perform in 3 to 4 main stage productions each year, compete in 2 or more major Drama competitions, and
to see local theater performances at group discount rates. This is a performance-based class; students must maintain eligibility so that lack of the ability to perform does not adversely affect their Drama grade. Membership in the International Thespian Society is possible after one semester of work.

Drama 2 02295
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Drama 1 or teacher signature
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Drama 2 will continue the exploration of acting techniques. The major focus of this course is to present regular theatrical performances and educational skits for the student body. Various acting styles will be studied and developed. Students enrolled in this course should be able to make a serious commitment of time and energy to theater arts. This is a performance-based class; students must maintain eligibility so that lack of the ability to perform does not adversely affect their Drama grade. After school and some Saturday rehearsals are required. Successful participation in this course makes Honor Thespian Status a possibility.

Drama 3 02296
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Drama 2 or teacher signature
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Students enrolled in Drama 3 will write and direct plays. In acting, they will perform at the highest level. Activities will include: Major roles in main stage productions, Festival Competition on the local, state and national level, directing, assistant directing and production assistant. This is a performance-based class; students must maintain eligibility so that lack of the ability to perform does not adversely affect their Drama grade. Scholarships and Honor Thespian Status are a possibility. After school and some Saturday rehearsals are required.

Drama 4 02330
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grade: 12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Drama 3 or teacher signature
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: For the advanced and serious Drama student.

Drawing 1 02043
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Following Art 1, students are to explore drawing media in more depth. Various styles and subjects will be used in structured assignments. Drawing techniques will be learned in a progression of assignments using a variety of materials including pencils, charcoal, chalk, pastels, pen and, ink. During the second half of the year, students will be encouraged to expand their style and technique in the drawing medium. Students will be encouraged to strive for show quality work and expression of lasting significance. Assignments of a class nature will prevail with composition and theory presented to produce complete ideas. In drawing, a wide range of subject matter will be explored with encouragement of individual expression and expertise within a chosen medium.

Drawing 2 02044
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Drawing 2 or teacher signature
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: An advanced drawing course to increase the understanding of concepts and to improve skills. Study of composition, tonality, space, light and perspective. Imaginative risks will be encouraged. Drawings that follow specific interests such as surrealism, portraiture, or landscape are to be emphasized. Black and white, color, or more fluid media will be used in projects.

Jazz Ensemble* 02434
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better
Description: This is a course in understanding and performing music encountered by the modern commercial musician including jazz, pop, and rock.

Marching Band
1st semester course – 5 elective credits 02435, or 1st semester course – 5 PE credits 11494
Open to Grades: 9-12
Prerequisites: Pre-season attendance, 2 week extensive band training session.
Description: This course is designed for students who play a band instrument and are interested in the total range of band music and activities. Students will improve instrumental skills as well as acquire skills in precision teamwork, body carriage,
musicianship, and showmanship.

*NOTE: Enrollment in Marching Band also requires concurrent enrollment in Symphonic Band. Marching Band I held daily from 7:45 a.m. – 8:39 a.m. Students must provide their own transportation to school. (AVUHSD policy)

Music Appreciation 02437
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Music Appreciation introduces students to the history, theory, and genres of music, from the most primitive surviving examples through the classical to the most contemporary in the world at large. The course is offered in a two-semester format. The first semester covers primitive musical forms and classical music. The second semester presents the rich modern traditions, including American jazz, gospel, folk, soul, blues, Latin rhythms, rock and roll, and hip-hop. The course explores the interface of music and social movements and examines how the emergent global society and the Internet bring musical forms together in new ways from all around the world.

Painting 1 02051
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
Prerequisites: Completion of Art 1 or Drawing 1 required, with a C grade or better highly recommended
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Description: Students are introduced to painting materials and concepts, technique exercises, color theory, and design. Painting techniques and composition are emphasized to expand the skills of the student. Projects will be offered in different subject matter: landscape, portrait, and seascape, for example. Students may divide their time between structured assignments and occasionally creating their own projects at their own pace.

Painting 2 02052
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 11-12
Prerequisites: Grade of D or better in Painting 1
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better
Description: Painting techniques and composition are emphasized to expand the skills of the student. Projects will be offered in different subject matter: landscape, portrait, and seascape, for example. Students may divide their time between structured assignments and occasionally creating their own projects at their own pace.

Percussion Ensemble* 02441
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 9-12
Prerequisites: Band Director Signature; must have experience on drums or mallet instrument
Description: Percussion ensemble is an instrumental music course integrating the instruments of the percussion family into the instruction and training of students in the primary roles of musical communication: composer, performer, and analytical listener. Emphasis in this course is placed on analysis of compositional techniques, acquisition and development of instrumental performance techniques and skills, and the development of aural skills necessary in recognizing unity, balance and ensemble cohesiveness within a musical ensemble and as a solo performer. Assessment will consist of teacher and peer evaluation as well as performances both during the school and outside of school.

Show Corps*
1 year course – 5 PE credits each semester 11494, or 1 year course – 5 elective credits 02464
Open to Grades: 9-12
UC A-G Certification: VAPA code meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Special Note: All students are required to complete at least two years of PE in order to graduate. Marching Band and Show Corps may be used to satisfy one semester only, each year, for this PE requirement.
Description: A course with emphasis on coordination of body movement to music and physical condition.

Symphonic Band* 02443
1 year course – 5 elective credits each semester
Open to Grades: 10-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Prerequisite: Band director approval; members are required to participate in all performances.

Wind Ensemble 02447
2 nd semester course – 5 elective credits
Open to Grades: 10-12
UC A-G Certification: Meets the UC a-g [f] Visual / Performing Arts requirement with a C or better grade
Prerequisite: Band director approval; members are required to participate in all performances.