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PROM 2025 Student Applications can ONLY be picked up in the Activities Office!
Rock Rules
ALL students must ride on school buses to attend Prom.
Check-in at 3:30 pm @ Littlerock High School.Small Gym
Bus departure at 4:30 pm
All Guests must check-In with their LHS student.
All Guests MUST HAVE an ID but LHS Students must have an LHS ID and all will be searched before entering.
No Food, No Drinks, No Big Bags/or purses (ONLY SMALL 5" x 8" x 2" in size will be allowed).
All school rules will apply. Any student who breaks the rules will be denied admission to/removed from the Prom, and will forfeit money paid.
Students and guests agree to behave appropriately while dancing and interacting with others.
Acting in a manner that is dangerous to self or others, lewd, or offensive in nature will be subject to removal from the dance and will forfeit any refund.
Littlerock High School Dress Code will be in effect. All students and guests agreed to abide to the dress code set forth by Littlerock High School for the prom. Any student wearing inappropriate or revealing clothing that violates the dress code (formal) for this dance will be subject to removal from the dance and will forfeit any refund.
This event is a fundraiser for student activities. Therefore, NO REFUNDS will be made for ANY REASON.
Entrance to this event will require security screening. Personal belongings will be thoroughly searched. Any prohibited items found will be confiscated.
Students are responsible for the behavior of any invited guest; both parties will be dismissed if anyone is not meeting expectations.
Once in the venue (including the parking lot), you will be required to enter the event. You will not be allowed to leave and re-enter. No re-entry, no exceptions.
Parent(s) and their student assumes responsibility for any accident or property damage while attending and traveling to and from prom.
All rules and regulations of AVHSD will be followed. Violators will be released to parents and school consequences may follow.
Prom is a school function. The use or possession of any illegal drugs is prohibited anywhere inside or outside the venue. Any attendee found impaired, under the influence, or in possession of any drug paraphernalia and/or alcoholic beverage will be removed from the venue. LHS school officials reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. Violators will be released to parents and further school discipline will apply.
LHS school officials have the right to confiscate any item which might be deemed a safety or defacement hazard. Confiscated items will not be returned. Such items include but are not limited to: Alcohol/Flasks, Mouthwash Water bottles, Eye drops, Perfumes, Any other liquid items, Any over the counter or prescribed drugs not pre approved by nurse, Any illegal substances, Any vaping products, Lighters/matches, Weapons, sharp objects, Canes, Chains (wallet, zoot suit, other) Pens, pencils, markers, deodorant, hand sanitizer.
Seniors may not be permitted to participate in graduation.
Underclassmen will not be permitted to attend future proms.